TCCO is dedicated to introducing and educating students of all ages to classical music through concerts, summer camps, and opportunities to collaborate with professional and semi-professional musicians, in order to help foster a sense of peace and belonging among upcoming generations and the community.

​​...and thank you for visiting. Turtle Creek Chamber Orchestra is a 501c3 organization founded and based in Beloit, Wisconsin. We are a small string orchestra that focuses on performing during the summer, and providing music education to under-privileged young people in the area. Our performances feature music ranging from classical masters to jazz to string arrangements of popular music such as Adele or the musical Wicked. We often spotlight local students, composers and musicians as guest artists, and many of our venues are outdoors, providing a fun, family-friendly experience.
Our youth programs include the Nie Young Artist Scholarship Competition for students of bowed-string instruments and piano, held in January each year. The competition features four ability categories, with cash awards given to first and second place winners in each division of each category (string or piano,) and winners are featured on a special concert in February. They also are occasionally offered the opportunity to perform with the orchestra on summer concerts.
In July each year we offer our Youth Summer String Camp for five days. Area children studying string instruments are invited to participate, and provided the opportunity to study and perform with members of the orchestra, as well as a featured guest clinician. For more information about our youth programs please check out our Youth Programs button at the top of this page.
Supporting the Arts
Like all non-profit organizations, we rely on corporate and community support in order to continue our efforts to help build a strong, healthy place for families to live and work. We offer a number of ways individuals can show their support, and any donations are tax-deductible. For more information on how to help us continue our mission, please click the link below and learn about these opportunities.