Help support the orchestra.
​​Like most other non-profit organizations, Turtle Creek Chamber Orchestra relies on the generosity of area businesses, foundations, and patrons of the arts. We offer a variety of ways to help us continue our education efforts and provide quality summer music events for the state line area.
Advertise in our Season Book
Each year we put together a full-color season book that includes information about the orchestra members and our concerts. We offer a variety of sizes and prices to fit every budget, and can even design your ad for you.

Previous area businesses who have supported us in this way include Wild Birds Unlimited, Lucy's #7 restaurant, and Knapton Musik Knotes. Our ad deadline is April 28. If this option appeals to you please fill out the contact form below.
​​Become a Corporate Sponsor
A single concert costs $1,500-$2,000 to complete. This amount helps cover venue fees, orchestra and guest artist stipends, sound equipment rental and/or set-up, and marketing costs. We offer individuals and businesses an opportunity to do full or partial sponsorships. Corporate sponsors receive the following for their support:
A full (full sponsorship) or half-page (partial sponsorship) color ad in our season program.
Their company name on signs at the concert they sponsor, as well as announced at the start of the concert.
An opportunity for a corporate spokesperson to (briefly) speak at the start of the concert
For more information please fill out the form below.